by altoria marketing | Nov 14, 2023 | 2023, 3 min read, Agency life
Con el auge de la Inteligencia Artificial y el temor a que pueda reemplazar nuestros trabajos, las Soft Skills son habilidades que marcarán la diferencia ya que son propias del ser humano. Soft Skills: Posiblemente hayas escuchado muchas veces este término pero...
by altoria marketing | Jan 20, 2020 | 2020, 3 min read, Agency life, Digital Marketing, Gmail, Google
Gmail is going on 16 this year & this baby gives you more than 4GB of storage! Gmail has changed over the years, there have been plenty of designs and some users have given bad feedback to the company. Still, Google, since they created Gmail, have given the users...
by altoria marketing | Nov 14, 2019 | 2019, 3 min read, Agency life, Creativity, Digital Marketing
Every brand needs a logo, it creates a huge impact on how your customers perceive you. The goal is to make your logo be top of mind when people think about what you offer. But the big question is how can you create an outstanding logo? 6 easy steps to create a...
by altoria marketing | Feb 27, 2019 | 2019, 3 min read, Agency life, Digital Marketing
“The universe is not made up of atoms; it’s made up of tiny stories.” ― Joseph Gordon-LevittWe are social beings. As humans we yearn for connection, shared experiences and a deeper level of understanding; always seeking different ways to communicate, to express...
by altoria marketing | Feb 27, 2019 | 2019, 3 min read, Agency life
I’m always seeking more ways to be more productive and motivated in the workplace. How do I stay motivated and creative to produce better ideas? It’s a day to day struggle, yet not impossible. So, where to begin? Be conscious in the workplace. Our work can be an...
by altoria marketing | Feb 27, 2019 | 2019, Agency life
According to LiveScience, the average person can focus on 3-4 things at once.Now in days we’re so focused on getting things done ASAP, we’re always connected on various platforms and managing our to do’s in the most “time effective” ways. However, to what extent are...
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